Hair Services (a la carte):
Women's Haircuts $40
Men's Haircuts $25
Kid's Haircuts $25
Hair Color starting at $70
Highlights starting at $85
Brow waxing $14
Lip waxing $14
Deva Curl Haircut $72
Blow dry styles starting at $25
Formal styles starting at $75
Personal Color Analysis
Women -- $300 (includes makeup application and $90 swatchbook for shopping)
Men -- $250 (includes $90 swatchbook for shopping)
Wardrobe Consulting
After having a PCA, you will most likely feel overwhelmed with the task of going through your closet. Using your color swatchbook, I will help you decide which clothing items you can continue to include in your wardrobe and which ones should find a new home.
Personal Shopping
Needing some help on how to shop after having a PCA? I would love to go shopping with you and give some guidance on what things to look for as you shop for clothing, makeup, jewelry, etc.